1 min read

Blog Revival of 2023

After a hundred midnights drafting the design in Figma and coding up the theme, I'm happy to finally have this site up and running again! On top of a full-time job and day-to-day responsibilities, I managed to put together something decent. It's still a work in progress and parts are bound to move, so don't worry if you see some bugs!

For the longest time, my online writing came to a halt. I've been missing having my own space to share my thoughts. While there had been several past attempts at reviving it, Life™ always managed to get in the way. I started a new job, moved to a new city 800km across the country, and finished my M.A. And who could ever forget the Pandemic of 2020? Quite the earth-shaker, that one!

It was not an easy feat, but all I can say is, 2023 will always be a memorable year for me.

There were many more milestones to mention here, but I'm saving that for future blog entries. Stay tuned!